Interiors, Decorative & Technique Painting, Murals, Paintings, Woodwork, Kitchens & Cupboards, Bars, Decks etc
Interieurs, Dekoratiewe en Tegniekverf, Muurskilderye, Skilderye, Houtwerk, Kombuise, Kabinette, Kroeƫ, Dekke ens
For that personal touch... call us!

Vir daardie persoonlike aanslag... kontak ons!
If it is a new home you are planning, or a make over you want, or just a touch-up - we are here for you
With many years experience in various disciplines in art, design & construction we can just help you turn your dream into reality
We will make your house your home... Jan & Susan Schutte to your rescue!
As jy 'n nuwe huis beplan, of 'n "make-over" soek, of net dinge weer wil opknap - ons is hier om te help
Met baie jare se ondervinding in verskeie dissiplines in kuns, ontwerp en konstruksie, kan ons jou help om jou droom 'n werklikheid te maak
Ons maak van jou huis jou haard... Jan & Susan Schutte tot jou redding!
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Copyright (c) 2008 - 2020 Kaleido Studio. All rights reserved.
, Jeffreysbaai, Suid Afrika